Do You Know What ‘Presence’ means?

Do You Know What ‘Presence’ means?

What does ‘Presence’ mean? Is it being together at the same place at the same time? Or is there more to it? Let’s find out. We may even be able to give others the gift of ‘presence’!

‘Presence’ is more than being together

Have you ever had coffee with someone, and while you’re telling them something, they look at their phone, reply texts etc.? (Ooops, that may have been me!) Does the person feel present to you? – The person is right there. He is present. And yet he’s not.

I remember when our kids were little, they would call out for me all the time, even when I was right there in the same room with them: “Mamma, mamma, maaaamaaaaa!” It was only when I looked at them and gave them my attention that they felt I was present with them. But I had been there, present, all along.

We are at home A LOT lately. We are together in the same house the whole day, for days and weeks and months. But are we present with one another? Would we want to be present with one another?

What does it mean to be present?

‘Presence’ is face to face

We’ve established that presence is much more than being at the same place at the same time. I dare say, we feel that someone is present with us when we have their attention.

And this is where it gets interesting. Because, did you know that the English word “Presence” in the Bible is the word “Face” in Hebrew?

When the Bible talks about the Lord’s Presence being with us, it actually says that He is facing us. His face is with us. He is looking at us, attentive, caring, listening, smiling, available to chat and speak into our lives, bless, heal and restore.

“You have made known to me the ways of life;
You will make me full of joy in Your presence.'” (=face)

Acts 2:28 NKJV

Being present with others

Like all kids desire their parents’ attention, we desire His full attention, His face.

Kids feel complete when they are assured of their parents love. Likewise, our heart is at peace, full of joy and gratefulness when we receive His love and His Presence for us afresh – E.g. Being present with Him (facing Him) through hearing an anointed sermon, meditating in the Word, worshiping Him, etc.

And the attention we have received from Him, we can give to our family members! We can look them in eye, be interested in their lives, listen, and simply enjoy them, because He gave us the gift of His Presence first.

And my guess is that they will feel loved – not only by us, but by the Lord Himself.

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