My 30 Days Of SLOW

My 30 Days Of SLOW

Come join my 30 days of SLOW! I believe we’re being invited to SLOW down with Daddy God in this very different season we’re in.

The Word SLOW

Today is the kickstart of what is called the Circuit Breaker here in Singapore. I woke up early and went for a walk. That’s when I noticed this sign: SLOW. And it really spoke to me about this season we’re in: We are being invited to SLOW down with Daddy God. To be like a child holding Daddy’s hand. To enjoy being with Him, to let Him love and lead us. He invites us to live loved and live loving. Isn’t that so beautiful?

As I continued my walk, I pondered on the word SLOW.

S – Sit 

It’s about resting in His Presence. Being still with Him. Being present. Enjoying Him. So “sitting” can be going for a walk, too!

L – Love

Receive His amazing and abundant love for you. You are His BE-loved. ‘Loved’ is your identity.

O – Observe

Notice what He is speaking and showing you. It can be a verse you are meditating on, conversations you have, things you see and hear, quotes that stand out in the books you read, dreams you dream at night, thoughts you ponder on…

W – Wonder 

Allow your heart to be amazed and full of wonder about what He is revealing to you. Take a photo! Write it down! Share it with others! Ask Him what He is revealing about Himself and to show you how you can be a blessing to others.

How About 30 Days Of SLOW?

Then I had a crazy idea. Hehe. How cool it would be if MANY people did SLOW together!

Like 30 days of slow, by simply taking a photo of one thing (or more) of whatever the Lord is showing/speaking to us, e.g.:

  • a verse we are meditating on
  • things we see (like a sign of the word SLOW) and hear that speak to us
  • quotes that stand out in the books we read etc. 

And then sharing it on Instagram with the hashtag #My30DaysOfSLOW 

Are you up for it? 

Encourage One Another

I believe ‘My 30 days of SLOW’ would be a fun way to greatly encourage one another in this season. We would be zooming in on Jesus together. And we would start noticing and celebrating what God is actively doing in individual lives and in this special time in history!! He is SO GOOD!

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